Mobile Attribution Platforms: Choosing the right partner

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In today’s competitive app market, it’s crucial for app developers and marketers to reach a wider audience and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns. This is where mobile attribution platforms come into play. These tools help track and analyse user acquisition, measure the lifetime value of users, and ultimately optimize marketing campaigns for better ROI. In this comprehensive comparison, we will explore the key features, target audience, and special deals offered by five leading mobile attribution platforms: Adjust, AppsFlyer, Branch, Kochava, and Airbridge.


Adjust is a versatile tool that serves as both an app analytics and attribution platform. With a strong focus on security and data protection, Adjust has gained popularity among industry leaders like Zynga, Spotify, and Rovio. Let’s dive deeper into the key features and target audience of Adjust.

Key Features of Adjust

Adjust offers a wide range of features to help app developers and marketers analyse and optimize their campaigns. These features include:

  • Mobile Attribution: Adjust enables precise tracking of mobile app events and attributes them to specific marketing campaigns, giving valuable insights into campaign performance.
  • App Analytics: With Adjust’s app analytics capabilities, users can measure app store stats, track cohort analysis, and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to gain a comprehensive understanding of app performance.
  • Campaign Tracking: Adjust supports integration with various media channels, including non-digital ones, allowing users to attribute campaigns from a diverse pool of sources.
  • Automation and Anti-Fraud Capabilities: With the acquisition of and Unbotify, Adjust has enhanced its automation and anti-fraud capabilities, providing users with additional protection against fraudulent installations.

Target Audience

Adjust caters to teams of all sizes, making it suitable for a wide range of app developers and marketers. It is particularly beneficial for those looking to test the viability of user acquisition strategies without committing to long-term contracts. However, it’s worth noting that the price of Adjust’s services can increase quickly as users explore its full range of features.

Special Deals

Adjust offers a free trial for one month, allowing users to experience its capabilities before making a commitment. Additionally, raw data is available in the second tier or higher, giving users access to granular data for more in-depth analysis.


AppsFlyer is a leading mobile app analytics and marketing software that empowers businesses with the tools they need to track and optimize their acquisition funnel. Let’s explore the key features, target audience, and special deals offered by AppsFlyer.

Key Features of AppsFlyer

AppsFlyer provides a comprehensive suite of features designed to enable data-driven decision-making and maximize the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Here are the key features of AppsFlyer:

  • Flexible Reporting and Deep Analytics: AppsFlyer offers flexible reporting capabilities, deep analytics, and performance metrics to help marketers gain valuable insights into their campaigns’ performance.
  • Multi-Touch Attribution: AppsFlyer’s multi-touch attribution feature allows users to determine the value of each customer touchpoint that leads to a conversion, helping them make informed decisions about their marketing channels and campaigns.
  • Protect 360 and Audience Builder: AppsFlyer’s Protect 360 and Audience Builder features enable users to run audience-based user acquisition campaigns, providing protection against fraudulent installations and ensuring campaigns reach the right audience.

Target Audience

AppsFlyer primarily targets marketing professionals who rely on data-driven decisions to optimize their activities. Its extensive range of features and integrations make it suitable for companies of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises.

Special Deals

AppsFlyer offers a free basic plan with a 30-day trial of premium features, making it an attractive option for startups and smaller companies. For larger companies with more extensive marketing needs, AppsFlyer provides custom enterprise plans, tailored to meet specific requirements.


Branch stands out from other mobile attribution platforms by focusing primarily on people-based attribution and enabling seamless user experiences through deep linking. Let’s explore the key features, target audience, and special deals offered by Branch.

Key Features of Branch

Branch offers a unique set of features centered around deep linking and enhancing user experiences. Here are the key features of Branch:

  • Deep Links: Branch provides deep linking capabilities that power paid acquisition and re-engagement campaigns, referral programs, content sharing, deep linked emails, smart banners, custom user onboarding, and more.
  • Cross-Platform Identification: Branch uses automatic cross-platform identifiers to recognize users across both web and app platforms, enabling seamless retargeting and personalised experiences.

Target Audience

Branch is particularly beneficial for e-commerce companies with complex customer journeys. Its ability to track and analyze user interactions across multiple channels and platforms makes it an excellent choice for businesses looking to optimize their conversion funnels.

Special Deals

While Branch doesn’t offer any specific deals or free trials, it provides raw data for paid users, allowing for in-depth analysis and optimization.


Kochava is a comprehensive analytics platform that offers unbiased attribution and a wide range of integrations to support marketers at every stage of their campaigns. Let’s explore the key features, target audience, and special deals offered by Kochava.

Key Features of Kochava

Kochava provides a holistic analytics platform with a broad selection of integrations, enabling marketers to build unique analytic stacks tailored to their specific needs. Here are the key features of Kochava:

  • Third-Party Integrations: Kochava allows users to integrate their data with a wide selection of third-party tools, enabling a comprehensive and customised analytic stack.

Target Audience

Kochava is an excellent choice for smaller companies and those new to attribution and marketing analytics. Its cost-effective pricing, free access to organic data, and comprehensive integration options make it an attractive option for businesses looking to get started with user acquisition.

Special Deals

Kochava offers a full version for free to users willing to share their data, making it an ideal choice for indie developers or those looking to explore attribution without a significant financial commitment.


Airbridge is a mobile attribution and deep linking platform that aims to simplify the process of tracking and optimizing app campaigns. Let’s explore the key features, target audience, and special deals offered by Airbridge.

Key Features of Airbridge

Airbridge offers a range of features focused on attribution and deep linking, providing users with essential tools for campaign optimization. Here are the key features of Airbridge:

  • Mobile Attribution: Airbridge enables precise tracking of app events and attribution to specific marketing campaigns, allowing for accurate measurement of campaign performance.
  • Deep Linking: Airbridge’s deep linking capabilities facilitate seamless user experiences by directing users to specific content within the app.

Target Audience

Airbridge caters to app developers and marketers of all sizes, offering a simplified approach to attribution and deep linking. It is particularly suitable for those looking for a straightforward solution without the complexity of extensive integrations and advanced features.

Special Deals

Airbridge provides a free trial period for users to experience its capabilities before committing to a paid plan. This allows users to assess whether Airbridge is the right fit for their needs.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Mobile Attribution Platform

In conclusion, choosing the right mobile attribution platform is crucial for app developers and marketers aiming to optimize their campaigns and measure their success. Adjust, AppsFlyer, Branch, Kochava, and Airbridge are all strong contenders in the mobile attribution market, each offering unique features and targeting specific audiences.

Adjust stands out with its emphasis on security and data protection, making it a popular choice among industry leaders. AppsFlyer provides a comprehensive suite of features and integrations, catering to the needs of marketing professionals. Branch focuses on enhancing user experiences through deep linking, particularly benefiting e-commerce companies. Kochava offers unbiased attribution and a wide range of integrations, making it an excellent choice for smaller companies. Airbridge simplifies attribution and deep linking, providing a straightforward solution for app developers and marketers.

Considering the specific needs, budget, and target audience of your app, as well as the unique features and special deals offered by each platform, will guide you in choosing the right mobile attribution partner for your app’s success.


Alexandra Kubrak

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